Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Love Often and Show it More!

Do you remember these words from the song Do You Love me, in Fiddler on the Roof?

"He's a good man, Golde.
I like him. And what's more important, Hodel likes him. Hodel loves him.
So what can we do?
It's a new world... A new world. Love. Golde..."

Do you love me?

Do I what?

Do you love me?

Do I love you?
With our daughters getting married
And this trouble in the town
You're upset, you're worn out
Go inside, go lie down!
Maybe it's indigestion

"Golde I'm asking you a question..."

Do you love me?

You're a fool

"I know..."

But do you love me?

Do I love you?
For twenty-five years I've washed your clothes
Cooked your meals, cleaned your house
Given you children, milked the cow
After twenty-five years, why talk about love right now?

Golde, The first time I met you
Was on our wedding day
I was scared

I was shy

I was nervous

So was I

But my father and my mother
Said we'd learn to love each other
And now I'm asking, Golde
Do you love me?

I'm your wife

"I know..."
But do you love me?

Do I love him?
For twenty-five years I've lived with him
Fought him, starved with him
Twenty-five years my bed is his
If that's not love, what is?

Then you love me?

I suppose I do

And I suppose I love you too

It doesn't change a thing
But even so
After twenty-five years
It's nice to know

Its always nice to know you are loved, so I encourage you to say it often!
Let the people in your life know you love them,and care for them. Tell them often for its wonderful to hear, and we never get tired of it.
How many times have you heard stories of someone losing a loved one to death, and the person saying. I just wish I had told them more how much I loved them!
You can never say it enough!
And more importantly, you can never show it enough!
Sometimes it easy to say the words, but not as easy to show them.  Practice showing how much you care.  Treat those loved ones special, do little things to show your feelings.  Go out of your way to treat your family and friends special!  Don't wait for Mothers Day, or Fathers Day, or Valentines day.  Be a giver of your love by the practical things you do for those who are special to your heart!
Remember we are not always going to have these special people around, so let them know you love them, by word and by action. Constantly!!
And if you have love for someone and are afraid to let them know.  Just tell them, or show them, or better, do both.  Don't hide your love from anyone if you feel it share it.  Its good for you, and best for them.
Love a lot, Show love more often,
and Do the Day.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Want to be succesful in life? Stop Trying.

   We are familiar with this scenario because we have all been apart of it. A salesman is trying to sell a product to a potential customer and the customer walks away saying, "I'll think about it".  What just happened?  The potential customer basically just said no. We all know that in most cases, "I'll think about it" means no.  The person saying so is too weak or scared to just say no so they substitute "I'll think about it"  inferring that there just maybe is a possibility of a yes, rare as that might be.
   Now look at this scenario, again one we are all quite familiar with.  A wife asked her husband as they are parting for the day.  I have asked you for a month now to fix the porch steps will you do it today?  He yells back over his shoulder.  Sure I'll try, and hurries away. Now what just happened here?  He is saying no, not going to happen, but at the end of the day I can always say I tried, and she knows its not happening, because she has gotten the same answer every day for 30 days, with no results.
    Trying is one of the laziest, mediocre, excuses for a word as there is in our vocabulary.  It allows a person to pretend that they are going to do something, knowing full well, that it probably isn't going to happen, but giving them that fall back of, well I tried!
   Trying is a weak way of saying no, with just the hint of commitment to actually get something done.  Trying is what mediocre people do on a regular basis.  Trying is the excuse that we use to just be normal, and complacent and ordinary.
  Do you want to be extraordinary? Fantastic? Do you want to be like Einstein, or Bill Gates? Do you want to be Michael Jordan or Abraham Lincoln?  Do you think they just "tried"? or do you think they were committed to accomplish?
  If we look hard at ourselves we will see that we will DO what we want to and are motivated to do!  We will try doing all the rest.  Which usually doesn't get done.
   If you want to soar like an eagle in business, family and relationships, then give up trying and start doing. Commit to saying yes I will do this, and not I will try.  Quit giving yourself a built in excuse and an easy way out.  Work at whatever you committed to doing and get it done. 
   Imagine how your spouse would feel if you said yes I will do that, and actually get it done.  Imagine your boss being able to actually count on you following through and making it happen.  Imagine your parents able to actually trust your word and follow through.
   Do you want to be successful?  Would you like to soar like an eagle above all the waddling turkeys of the world.
   Then just do it!  stop TRYING, stop pretending and just start DOING!
   Do the day!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Attitude is Everything

Attitude is Everything...
I am going to start with a few quotations from some people I am sure you have heard of.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson

Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.
Albert Einstein

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
Winston Churchill

Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us.
Earl Nightingale

Through out history smart men and women, world leaders, teachers and motivators have been telling us about the power and importance of a good and positive attitude.  To be the best person, spouse, parent, salesperson, business owner, student, child that we want to be, its imperitive that we strive to cultivate a positive attitude.

In today's world of stress, and negativity, its more important than ever before that we realize how important having a good attitude on a daily basis is for our everyday life.  We hear continually how important it is in our life to avoid stress. We have factual evidence showing how stress affects our mind, our heart and our bodies in general.  Most stress can be eliminated or at least subdued and calmed if we just learn  how to maintain a better level of positivity in our attitude.
It's almost impossible to be controlled and dominated by stress, when feeling and believing positivilly about life on a day by day basis!  Conversly it's very difficult to enjoy a stress free life when you give in to the negative attitude that wants to drag you down  and keep you there.
In sales it's not your job to make your client have a better attitude. In your home its not your spouse or your kids or your parents who need an attitude adjustment.  Your goal is to strive to be the one with a great attitude, and by doing so lift the spirits of those around you.
Do we yearn to be around those who are negative and depressed, angry and bitter or do we gravitate quickly and excitedly to those who are upbeat and positive and smiling and seemingly beaming sunshine on a regular basis?
Attitude is everything! And YOU are in control of it.  Don't let your surroundings or circumstances be the factor that controls your attitude. Decide to be happy and optimistic and encouraged even if the world around you doesn't seem to be cooperating, and sharing in your effort.
It's easy to have a great attitude when things are going splendid.  The trick is to maintain that attitude in the face of difficult world, when things don't seem to be going so well.  Make your world better by lifing it and those around you into a higher place!  You can do all of that by living, and cultivating a life of being centered by a positive, excited, vibrate attitude, enjoying life and all its wonder.
Do you want more sales?  A happier home?  A harmonious work place?
Focus on YOUR positive attitude and watch what happens.
Finally, have an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!
Spend some time daily, in the morning, when you are running or walking, when you are in the shower or in the car going to work. Spend some time daily thinking of all the things you are grateful for.  All the big things, the little things, the people, everything in your life you are thankful that you have.  Do this, daily, have an  Attitude of Gratitude, and it will be virtually impossible to be in a bad mood or have a negative attitude no matter what the circumstances around you might be.
Attitude is Everything.. It is the foundation, the building block to being a better professional, family member, worker, and over all person...
One of my favorite quotes I once read is this.
Do the day! Before the day does you!
Start each day with a great attitude...
And do the day!!
ps... I could not get spell check to work so please forgive any errors...


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

In my positions of Senior Vice President of Sales for Tech Bond Solutions, and National Coordinator for fundraising for Jose Madrid Salsa, I have been thinking more and more about sales training and motivation.  And so I have decided to start a blog and share some of my thoughts with you.
I am new to this whole blogging concept so I may make mistakes along the way, or say things that may not be politically correct. I ask in advance that you don't concentrate on the grammer or layout as much as the overall ideas and concepts presented.  However I do have about 40 years experience in sales, sales management, and training, so I feel I have some things to share that can be of interest, and use for those in the sales arena.  By the way, whether you know it it not, we are ALL in the sales arena in one form or another, as we are all relating to people on a daily basis and can use help in how to have a better overall relationship with those we come in contact with daily.
Hopefully you will look at my blog on a regular basis, and learn some good ideas from it.  Feel free to make comments and lets have fun sharing concepts and ideas that can make us all better people and better sales professionals.
Look for my first topic, ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING which will be posted shortly.
I look forward to seeing your comments here, until then...
Keep a Great Attitude!!
Michael Coen